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The Fort Belknap Indian Reservation has been very involved in bringing back many of Montana's treasured species. One of Fort Belknap Reservations most recent endeavors involved the reintroduction of the Swift Fox. Once the Swift Fox thrived in the great plains with large populations flourishing from Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada all the way south to New Mexico and Texas in the southern United States. In the 1800's Swift Fox were extremely common throughout Montana and Southern Canada. The...
Summer is finally here! The Hi-line finally received a pretty good few days of rain and the Chinook Golf Course is really starting to green up. Coming up this Saturday at the Blaine County Fairgrounds is the 6th Annual Chinook Golf Course Community Dinner and Auction Fundraiser. Ginger Hansen has done a remarkable job through the years hosting this event and this year's event looks to be spectacular once again. A very dry fall and winter closed out 2021 and an even dryer winter and spring began...
The ballot is set for the November 2022 midterm elections. The only locally contested primary race in Blaine County took place on the Republican ticket for Blaine County Commissioner District #2. In that race challenger Shane Fox outdistanced incumbent Frank DePriest 372 - 152. On the Democratic ticket Todd Jorgenson ran unopposed in the June Primary, receiving 50 votes. Jorgenson and Fox will appear on the November ballot with the winner replacing DePriest as Blaine County Commissioner for Dist...
Montana Technological University’s Robotic Mining Club took home the top mining award at the NASA Lunabotics Competition at the Kennedy Space Center recently. The competition saw 38 universities competing for the top honors. The competition involved designing and building a robot to dig through simulated lunar surface to deposit as much gravel simulant as possible in two 15-minute runs. Two teams, Montana Technological University and the University of Alabama, qualified for the on-site mining award. Montana Tech took home the top award. ...
Last week, Triangle Communications announced their scholarship winners to the public. On the list are three Blaine County youth: Laci Maloney, a graduate of Turner High School and the daughter of Brenda and Chris Maloney; Allison Powell, a Chinook High School (CHS) graduate and the daughter of Cody and Sonia Powell; and a second graduating senior of CHS, Liam Edwards, who is the son of Tammy and Sean Edwards. With eligibility dependent on the applicants' receiving landline, broadband or mobile...
Harlem Library The Book Challenge for June is to read a book that features water. The library board will hold its monthly meeting June 29, 4:15 P.M. Summer Storytime for ages 0-5 meets on Tuesdays at 10 A.M. Summer STEAM for elementary students is held on Wednesdays at 1 P.M. Lego Club for all ages meets on Thursdays at 3:30 P.M. There is still time to join summer reading. Parents may register their children to set goals of books/minutes to read to earn prizes and chances to win grand prizes at the end of the program. Bear Paw Cooperative The...
Media Arts in the Public Schools (MAPS) was in Blaine County from June 7-10 working with area youth. Clare Ann Harff, Executive Director of MAPS, and Craig Falcon, Media Lab Director, set up at Aaniiih Nakoda College (ANC) to assist Milk River Production filmmakers with their current project on the subject of blood quantum. Milk River Productions is a student driven filmmaking group that resulted from a 2018 Harlem High School (HHS) MAPS project. According to Harff, part of the MAPS workshop model includes idea generation and instruction on...
Loving Mother, Grandmother and Friend, Nancy Theresa Monsrud, 70 (69 at heart), passed away Sunday, June 5th, 2022 after a fierce and courageous 8 month fight with Covid-19. Nancy began her journey home with her Daughter and two of her Grandchildren by her side, holding her hands. Nancy was born on January 15th 1952 in Portland, Oregon, to Nancy Lou Rumgay. She later welcomed a baby brother, Gregory Keaton, whom she loved very much. Nancy Lou passed away from Cancer in June, 1966. Nancy and... Full story
Be sure to explore the “Oceans of Possibilities” summer reading program at the library! Children may still register with a parent or guardian to earn prizes for books/minutes read. Teens and adults may enter to win a $50 gift card by letting us know each time they finish a book, ebook or audio book. Summer reading weekly programs include Summer Storytime for the littles on Tuesdays at 10 A.M.; Summer STEAM for elementary students on Wednesdays at 1 P.M. and Lego Club for all ages on Thursdays at 3:30. The Book Challenge for June is to read a b...
Brenda and Terry Mohar attended Colter Mohar’s birthday party in Havre this week. Gene and Susan Billmayer were in Great Falls on Thursday, and on the way home they stopped to see Jim and Helen Billmayer in Havre. Linda and Darel Hauge visited Jane Krass on Sunday after church. Diana Maloney visited as well. The community and surrounding area have received some much needed moisture over the weekend. Hilary Richman and girls visited Sunday with Jane Krass, and made dinner while there. Diana Maloney and Anita Reed and girls visited throughout t...
They say the Montana Federation is one big family, a tight-knit group that supports one another each week in helping ensure the kids, teams, coaches, parents and friends get to experience the summer in the most enjoyable way. Well if one needs to look for an example of this 'family' taking a look at the Head Coaches for the Chinook Lions and Harlem Swim teams is a great place to start. Chinook is under the tutelage of Head Coach Benton Elliot while Harlem is being led by Andrew Rasmussen. Both...
The Chinook Sugarbeeter girls basketball team shined this past weekend in Glendive at the Dawson Community College Summer High School Basketball Tournament. The tournament consist of an eight team upper division and a 16 team lower division. Both a boys and girls tournament is ran simultaneously with games being played at the college, the high school and the middle school. The Sugarbeeters were a part of the 16 team lower division and won the tournament for the second year in a row. Chinook...
The Chinook Lions Swim Team had just two swimmers in the pool this week. Both swam in Glendive and both were incredibly successful. Tyler Stephens, above right, won the 25 Meter Freestyle as well as the 50 Meter freestyle and the 25 Meter Backstroke to win top honors for the Eight and Under Boys. Rachel Stephens, above left, took home the High Point trophy for the 11-12 junior girls division. Rachel won all three of her individual events, swimming the 50 Meter Freestyle, 100 Meter Freestyle and...
The premier All-Star Team in the state of Montana for graduating high school seniors is the Montana/Wyoming All-Star series that pits the best Treasure State players versus the top Wyoming All-Stars. 2022 Harlem Lady Cat standout Taya Trottier was selected to be a member of the elite squad. Trottier and her Montana Teammates continued the Treasure States dominance over our neighbors to the south winning in Sheridan 69-59 on Friday night and 68-49 in Billings Saturday night 68-49. Trottier will h...
The Harlem Lady Cats are coming off a wild season in which they experienced the highest of highs and some lows along the way. Their season ended at the Class B State Tournament in a showing that surprised a lot of people. Head Coach Brandon Trottier and the Lady Cats graduated a big portion of their offense, with two moving on to play at the college level. If last season taught fans on the Hi-line anything it's that you should never count the underdog out, sometimes they can really amaze you....
Chinook Head Football Coach Mike Jones has barely had any time to catch his breath following the conclusion of the 2021-22 school year. Jones had the honor of being selected to be a coach for the Red Team at the Bob Cleverly Eight-man All-Star Game in Butte on Saturday, June 4. Jones was the offensive coordinator for the victorious Red Team and had the honor of coaching three graduated Sugarbeeters in the contest. That following Monday Jones was in Bozeman with 25 current Sugarbeeter football...
The Chinook golf course sure looks good after the recent rainfall. The greens and fairways have come along making the course look as spectacular as ever. Course Superintendent Mike Seymour and his crew recently aerated the greens in a further effort to improve the course and soon they will be rolling like one would expect them to. The much needed rain has made the rough grow and with it being so wet, getting it cut back down will take some time, but it most certainly will be done at the soonest...
WILLIAMSBURG, VA (June 15, 2022) - Cody McCracken from Chinook, MT recently graduated from the College of William & Mary with a Juris Doctor degree. Founded by royal charter in 1693, William & Mary is the second oldest educational institution in the nation. During the past 300 years, the college has educated three U.S. Presidents-Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe and John Tyler-numerous senators and members of congress and other national and international leaders. William & Mary is currently ranked among the nation's top 10 public universities...
A Blaine County student was among the 3,330 North Dakota State University students to be placed on the spring 2022 dean’s list. A student must earn a 3.5 grade point average or higher and be enrolled in at least nine class credits to qualify for the summer list. The dean’s list also can be found at Hunter Neibauer, Chinook, agricultural economics...
HELENA – Hunters interested in signing up for licenses or permits left over from the special license and permit drawing can do so from June 20 through July 20. This new process for the sale of surplus licenses began in 2020 in response to issues in years past. The old process was vulnerable to long lag times, confusion and a perception of inequity for those unable to use the first-come, first-served online option starting at 5 a.m. Hunters can sign up for leftover licenses and permits that were not distributed by the drawing through MyFWP on t...