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Articles from the October 7, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Fall into Festival provided an abbreviated 2020 Sugarbeet Festival

    Steve Edwards|Oct 7, 2020

    Chinook Chamber President Daniel Dahl said he was pleased with the turnout for the Fall into Festival, the 2020 version of the Sugarbeet Festival. With concerns from COVID-19 there was some hesitancy to host even a smaller festival this year. "But," Dahl explained, "our chamber leadership wanted to have a festival and with the other activities in town, it turned out to be part of a good draw for visitors." He was especially pleased with the number of vendors who came to sell their wares. Dahl...

  • Harlem School District Experiences Sudden Closure

    Donna Miller|Oct 7, 2020

    On September 28, Harlem School District received notification that a staff member had tested positive for COVID-19. Upon receiving the news, school officials acted quickly, and “out of an abundance of caution,” Superintendent Doreen Warren decided to close the school immediately. Buses began picking up students at Harlem Elementary at 11:30 a.m. on Monday when school was dismissed. Harlem School District will be teaching remotely until at least October 9. A special board meeting was also held last night, October 6. “We were advised of a posit...

  • Sarah Finley Benefit Postponed, Free Will Donation Drive Saturday at First Bank

    Kody Farmer|Oct 7, 2020

    Saturday, August 10, was supposed to be the day of the Sarah Finley/Rylin Collins Benefit, but that has been postponed due to the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in Blaine County. Pushing back the date of the benefit to better ensure the safety of those who plan to attend is for the best and organizers are committed to holding the event at a yet to be determined date. Sarah and Rylin are on the minds of the community and helping them as soon as possible is still very much an option. This...

  • Looking for answers, Part II: Who was Tom Cosnah?

    Steve Edwards|Oct 7, 2020

    This is a new appeal to alert readers for information about another local folk art mystery. Several weeks ago Mark Burkhartsmeyer asked me by phone, "Are you the paper's expert on local history?" I said I was interested in local history, was no expert but enjoyed unraveling local historical mysteries. He shared information about some rock writing on the Burkhartsmeyer's ranch south of Chinook. He described rock writing as letters and words spelled out using random rocks found in the area. Of...

  • Stage I Fire Restrictions Rescinded for Blaine and Valley Counties

    Press Release|Oct 7, 2020

    With the return of cooler weather, local management has rescinded Stage I Fire Restrictions effective 12:01 a.m. on Friday, October 2, 2020, for all lands within Blaine and Valley Counties. Easing of restrictions means that public land visitors can again use campfires outside of developed campgrounds and posted recreation sites. Burn bans will be in effect for any debris or agricultural burning and may have additional limits. Check with your local sheriff’s office for fire department for information on burn permits. The public is reminded t...

  • Journal Jots

    Oct 7, 2020

    Harlem Library The Book Challenge for October is to read a book with a body part in the title. The Book Club may pick up the new selection “The Invention of Wings” Oct. 5-9. The first discussion will be Oct. 19, 4 P.M. via Skype. Virtual Story Time is held Tuesdays, 10 A.M. via Facebook Live. Connect with the internet using mobile hotspots available for check out. The library Wi-Fi is on 24/7 and the password may be obtained at the front desk. The library will be closed Oct. 12 for Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day. Blaine County Library Mob...

  • Hogeland Happenings

    Anita Reed|Oct 7, 2020

    Connie Anderson visited with Jim and Helen Billmayer on Tuesday. Morgan and Jessica Klindworth and kids and Matt and Annie Klindworth and kids visited at Duane and Carol Klindworth’s home over the weekend. Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass on Tuesday afternoon. Rich Gerke from Tomah, WI has been visiting the Zellmer and Beck families since Monday. He was a houseguest at the Darwin Zellmer home in Harlem, and also was at the Wallace Beck home Friday and Saturday. He returned to Harlem Sunday. Jane Krass’ girls visited and helped out during the...

  • People on the Street

    Kody Farmer|Oct 7, 2020

    The Fall Festival this past weekend was well attended and a very welcomed event for the community to enjoy. The Fun Run in the morning included more than 20 runners. Sugarbeets were decorated on main street. Vendors were out showcasing their goods, and people were mingling about taking it all in. The atmosphere was upbeat, smiles were everywhere and a organizers were pleased with the turnout. Chinook had a great weekend full of activity and in this day and age it couldn't have come soon enough....

  • Thomas Jerold Stirland

    Oct 7, 2020

    Thomas Jerold Stirland, husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle passed away on September 24, 2020, in Huntsville, Utah, at the age of 86. Jerold, or T.J. as he was often affectionally called, was born on Easter Sunday, April 1, 1934, in Logan, Utah, to Rulon Godfrey and Louise Seamons Stirland. He was the oldest of six children and lived the first 11 years of his life in Providence, Utah. In 1945 his family moved to Chinook, Montana, where he assisted his father on a farm and helped run...

  • Stuart M. McIntosh

    Oct 7, 2020

    Stuart M. McIntosh, - 91, passed away due to natural causes at his home surrounded by his family on Monday, September 28, 2020. Funeral services were held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 1, 2020, at Fifth Avenue Christian Church. Burial followed in Highland Cemetery. Stuart’s family has suggested memorial donations be made in his memory to the Boys and Girls Club of the Hi-line or to the charity of the donor’s choice. Holland & Bonine Funeral Home has been entrusted with services and arrangements. Please visit Stuart’s online memorial page...

  • October, Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Oct 7, 2020

    You know, Lord, ‘Twas exciting to discover, after reading various excerpts from GODS’S CALENDAR, written by William A Quayle, some very interesting opinions and viewpoints about the month October – so fascinating, just had to share, therefore, here we go! “The month of October is called the Aster month, Indian Summer month, wan/pale month of dimmed sky and drooping eyelids and leaf-a-flutter, falling but loath to fall – chaste/faithful October, with thy starry aster fields in tryst with Thee. “Asters love October. When other flowers are...

  • Harlem Library

    Oct 7, 2020

    The library will be closed October 12 in observance of Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day. The Book Challenge for October is to read a book with a body part in the title. We have a selection on display for you to choose from. Book Club members may pick up the new selection “The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd. The first discussion will be October 19, 4 P.M. via Skype. The link is join.skype.com/OBqEUM6IEwF or you may click on the link on our website or Facebook page. Children may watch Virtual Story Time Tuesdays, 10 A.M. via Fac...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Karyn Higgins|Oct 7, 2020

    It looked like there was a nice turn out for the Sugarbeet Festival this last weekend. There were a lot of people out and about for all the different activities. The weather for the next week should be really nice too. Some wind but warm enough to go out without a jacket still during the daytime. The trees look so nice with the leaves changing color in them. Soon they will be bare limbed again. Our Meals This Week Wed. Oct. 7 Chimichangas Thu. Oct. 8 Polish Sausage Casserole Fri. Oct. 9 Cauliflower Soup w/ Ham Sandwich Mon. Oct. 12 Indian...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 7, 2020

    During six years of my service in the Montana Senate and all eight years of my service on the Montana Public Service Commission, I had a ring-side seat with four major bankruptcies that had huge impacts on Montana residents, and I helped Montana avoid being taken down by a fifth. The first four, in order, were Enron, Montana Power/Touch America, NorthWestern Corporation, and Southern Montana Electric. The fifth, and dodged bullet was Babcock & Brown Infrastructure (BBI), an Australian investment conglomerate that proposed to merge NorthWestern...

  • Chinook Homecoming • Gun Show • Sugarbeet Festival

    Oct 7, 2020

    We hope you all enjoyed the festivities over the weekend!...

  • Sugarbeeters Earn Homecoming Sweep over Big Sandy, Beat Malta 3-0

    Kody Farmer|Oct 7, 2020

    The Chinook Sugarbeeters volleyball team turned in another superb effort on the court this past week as they improved to 10-1 on the season. Thursday night the girls welcomed Big Sandy to town as they celebrated Homecoming. Chinook did not disappoint the home town fans as they swept the Pioneers 25-14, 25-20, 25-15.Saturday the 'Beeters were in Malta to take on the M-ettes and again earned a sweep winning by scores of 28-26, 25-23, 25-20. Senior Delaney Kellam ignited the 'Beeter attack with a b...

  • 3-2 Chinook falls to Simms in 80-42 in a Wild and Crazy Homecoming

    Kody Farmer|Oct 7, 2020

    The Chinook Sugarbeeters came into their Homecoming contest a little banged up. They were a lot banged up following a rough quarter and a half to end a 80-42 loss to the Simms Tigers. Chinook came into the contest against Simms looking to put together a sustained opening drive. They accomplished that, moving the ball down field on a 12 play 55 yard drive. That first drive stalled however, deep in Simms Territory, turning the ball over to the Tigers after being stopped on fourth down. The...

  • Harlem Football Seniors honored on Senior Night

    Kody Farmer|Oct 7, 2020

    Congratulations to all Harlem Football Seniors. We wish you the very best in your future endeavors....

  • 3rd Annual Community Golf Course Fundraiser a Success

    Ginger Hansen|Oct 7, 2020

    The 3rd annual community dinner and auction to support our Chinook golf course was held on Saturday, August 22. Despite the event being pushed to later in the year due to the pandemic, there was a fantastic crowd present and everyone had a great time. Social distancing was adhered too (due to the fact that we are fortunate enough to have the commercial building locally) which allows enough space to keep everyone at the required distance, while still moving ahead with the much needed fundraiser....

  • Training on Trauma Informed Teaching Available

    Donna Miller|Oct 7, 2020

    In partnership with Havre Public Schools, Region II of the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) will offer free on-line training on the topic of trauma informed teaching for general and special educators, paraprofessionals, agency personnel, and parents who work with children and/or students. Dr. Linda Karges-Bone will be the featured speaker for this two-day virtual training, which will occur on October 2 and October 9. According to Aileen Couch, CSPD Regional Coordinator, “Trauma Informed Teaching: Moving Students from S...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Oct 7, 2020

    GUEST SPEAKER VISITS TURNER SCHOOL This week the students and staff of Turner School were treated to a guest speaker that they won't soon forget. They welcomed faith-based hip hop artist and motivational speaker, Bobby Bugatii Jones of Wyoming. He told how he battled alcoholism and was given a second chance to turn himself around. He visits youth and adults now to encourage self worth, good character, and making the right choices. Jones is shown here with some High School students at Turner High...

  • Chinook Rod & Gun Club put Together an Amazing Show

    Kody Farmer|Oct 7, 2020

    The Chinook Rod & Gun Club held their 8th Annual Gun and Antique Show this past weekend at the Blaine County Fairground Commercial Building. This year's event coincided with the Fall Festival being held Saturday on Main Street in Chinook as well as the Chinook Sugarbeeters Homecoming football game Friday night. That being said, the show had plenty of questions heading into the weekend, the big one being, how will the COVID-19 pandemic affect turnout. One common takeaway from the vendors was how...

  • Friends of the Pool and Park Foundation Are Busy with Fundraising

    Donna Miller|Oct 7, 2020

    A few members of the Friends of the Pool and Park Foundation Board gathered recently to accept a $3,000 grant from First Bank of Montana in Chinook. The grant monies will be used towards improvements to the Chinook City Pool and Sweet Park. The group, which is still in the infancy phase of this project, plans to invest those grant dollars in renovations once they raise additional funds to begin reconstruction. This Friends Foundation, dedicated towards fundraising and improving the Chinook City...

  • Incorporating Mental Health Awareness into Multi-tiered Systems of Support

    Donna Miller|Oct 7, 2020

    Dr. Bella Bikowski will be the featured speaker in a free virtual training scheduled for October 15 and offered through Region II of the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development program. Her presentation, "Returning to School after COVID-19: Incorporating Mental Health Awareness into your Multi-tiered Systems of Support," will focus on building awareness around common mental health challenges found in the school setting. These include anxiety, depression, and executive functioning...

  • Native American Week Celebrated at Harlem Elementary

    Donna Miller|Oct 7, 2020

    Harlem Elementary School celebrated Native American Week from September 21-25 with various cultural activities. During the week, students also practiced their bus evacuation plan. In years past, Harlem Elementary has collaborated with schools from Hays, Lodge Pole, Dodson, and Fort Belknap students attending White Clay Immersion School in order to provide a memorable celebration during Native American Week. However, COVID-19 altered those plans, leaving Mr. Thomas Molina, Harlem School...

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